The Jessie and Bandit Animal Care Fund manages donations received by Canada West Veterinary Specialists to provide assistance to owners of pets being treated at our hospital in appropriate cases.
The Jessie and Bandit Fund Society (the “Society”) was officially established as a BC Society January 27th, 2017.
The Society is a Registered Canadian Charity, and manages the Jessie and Bandit Animal Care Fund (the “Fund”). The Fund is designed to manage donations received by Canada West Veterinary Specialists and to use those donations to provide financial assistance for the cost of care to owners of pets being treated at our hospital in appropriate cases.
Donations to the Jessie and Bandit Fund will be used to assist animals in need according to the funding criteria outlined below.
Not everyone who applies for help from the Fund will receive it, as the limited resources cannot meet the level of need. Hospital veterinarians will determine the recipients on a case-by-case basis according to fund resources and the patient’s situation. They will determine recipients after considering the following:
The patient is being treated at Canada West Veterinary Specialists
Necessity – the opinion of the Canada West treating veterinarian as to the medical necessity and urgency of the treatment needed.
The patient must have a good prognosis for recovery or improved quality of life
The owner(s) must have financial need
The owner(s) agree to pictures and video of their pets (pending a good outcome) being used on Canada West and third party websites, social media channels and other promotional materials for the Fund
Fund money recipients will never be asked to pay the money back. The Fund will continue to rely only on donations, not payments.
If you would like your pet’s case to be considered for help from the Fund, please talk to the veterinary specialist overseeing your pet’s care and they will take the necessary steps to have your pet’s case considered.
The Fund reserves the right to deny funding to anyone for any reason, except that the Fund does not discriminate based on an applicant’s age, sex, race or sexual orientation. Funding decisions are determined by a veterinary specialist, and in cases above a specified amount, by a designated specialist who is also a member of the hospital’s senior management team.